This is not an exact recipe thing I make (as is most things, I will however include the link I referenced to begin with. The great things about frittatas are they're versatile, high protein, and you can make them ahead and freeze them! If you use silicone muffin cups clean up is a breeze which is always awesome.
Here's a basic example of what I do as I said they are very easy to modify and I'll try and include some examples of what I've used. This is the recipe I used as a template:
Preheat oven to 350F
1/4c milk
1 small onion
1 clove garlic
1c shredded cheese
1lb ground meat
Anything else you want to add (spinach, bell peppers, tomatoes, potatoes etc)
All of mine have sauteed onions and garlic in them, 1 small onion and 1 clove of garlic. 1lb of ground meat (beef, chicken, turkey, occasionally pancetta). I season the meat with salt, pepper, garlic powder and either chilli powder or cayenne, depending on what other things I'm adding with it I'll add other dried herbs such as thyme, dill, rosemary etc. I also season the meat with things like taco seasoning. Bell pepper is a good addition for a little bit of crunch, it'll get cooked while everything is baking but will still be firmer then if sauteed with the onions and garlic. Spinach is also something that frequently goes in the frittatas. The first thing I do is cut up everything, then I saute the onion and garlic while I cook the meat. These both need to cool before you can mix in with the eggs. After those I have cooled I whisk about 7 eggs with about 1/4c milk seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder and any other seasonings you want. I add 1c of shredded cheese (anything you want mozzarella, cheddar, gouda, etc) mix and then add everything else and mix it all together. I then fill all my muffin cups to the top with the mixture. Bake for 20 min, they will puff up a little bit.
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